Friday 14 November 2014

My whirlwind Tokyo adventure

As I type participants are still performing, but for me this year's annual Yoshinkan Aikido Enbutaikai is over. Now I am just a spectator soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the various demonstrations, some good some not so good but I respect everyone for their willingness to participate. For my part I demonstrated three techniques that combined lasted no longer than 5 minutes! Nevertheless, what I gained in experience is worth making the journey to Tokyo for. I competed in a three round waza competition and unfortunately did not pass through to round two, but disappointment notwithstanding from all accounts I represented myself well. Seeking some advice for next year my sensei told me I looked nervous, my shoulders were tensed and I made some simple mistakes in the waza; things which you are completely unaware of and unconscious of at the time. For me it went by in a blur!

By next year I will hopefully be a brown belt with that much more experience to steady my nerves and now that I have had my first experience of the Enbutaikai I think I will handle the pressure that much better next time. And I do plan on there being a next time, work permitting. Just being in Tokyo at the annual Enbutaikai with some of the best Yoshinkan Aikidoka and Shihans in attendance is a thrill. Getting to watch, observe and learn from my own sensei's demonstrations first hand is also an honour and a worthwhile experience.

All in all it has been a whirlwind adventure here in Tokyo but I am loving every minute of it!
